Journal Papers
[J28] Moradi, N., Mafakheri, F., & Wang, C. (2024). Set Covering Routing Problems: A review and classification scheme. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110730 (Impact Factor: 6.7). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2024.110730
[J27] Moradi, N., Wang, C., & Mafakheri, F. (2024). Urban Air Mobility for Last-Mile Transportation: A Review. Vehicles, 6(3), 1383-1414 (Impact Factor: 2.4). https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles6030066
[J26] Berrich, O., Mafakheri, F., & Dabbou, H. (2024). Renewable Energy Transition and the Paris Agreement: How Governance Quality Makes a Difference?. Energies, 17 (17), 4238 (Impact Factor: 3.004). https://doi.org/10.3390/en17174238
[J25] Valipour, M., Mafakheri, F., Gagnon, B., Prinz, R. Bergström, D., Brown, M., Wang, C. (2024). Integrating Bio-Hubs in Biomass Supply Chains: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 467, 142930 (Impact Factor: 9.8). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142930
[J24] Vazifeh, Z., Mafakheri, F., An. C., Bensebaa, F. (2023). A Game Theoretic Approach to Contract-based Enviro-Economic Coordination of Wood Pellet Supply Chains for Bioenergy Production, Sustainable Energy Research, 10 (1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40807-023-00088-7
[J23] Sadaghiani, S., Mafakheri, F., & Chen, Z. (2023). Life Cycle Assessment of Bioenergy Production Using Wood Pellets: A Case Study of Remote Communities in Canada. Energies, 16 (15), 5697 (Impact Factor: 3.004). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16155697
[J22] Seyedan, M., Mafakheri, F., and Wang, C. (2023). Order-Up-To-Level Inventory Optimization Model using Time-Series Demand Forecasting with Ensemble Deep Learning, Supply Chain Analytics Journal, 3, 100024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sca.2023.100024
[J21] Vazifeh, Z., Mafakheri,F., An C. (2023). Coordination of Bioenergy Supply Chains under Government Incentive Policies: A Game-theoretic Analysis, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 25, 2185–2201 (Impact Factor: 4.700). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10098-023-02498-z
[J20] Esmaeili, F., Mafakheri,F.,F. Nasiri (2023). Biomass Supply Chain Resilience:Integrating Demand and Availability Predictions into Routing Decisions Using Machine Learning, Smart Science, 11 (2), 293-317 (Impact Factor: 2.00). https://doi.org/10.1080/23080477.2023.2176749
[J19] Vazifeh, Z., Bensebaa, F., Shadbahr, J., Mafakheri, F., Benali, M., Vézina, P. (2023). Forestry based products as climate change solution: Integrating life cycle assessment with techno-economic analysis, Journal of Environmental Management, 330, 117197 (Impact Factor: 8.91) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117197
[J18] Daneshmand, M., Noroozi, F., Corneanu, C., Mafakheri, F., and Fiorini, P. (2023). Industry 4.0 and Prospects of Circular Economy: A Survey of Robotic Assembly and Disassembly, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 124 (9), 2973–3000 (Impact Factor: 3.226). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-021-08389-1
[J17] Seyedan, S. M., Mafakheri, F. and Wang, C. (2022). Cluster-Based Demand Forecasting Using Bayesian Model Averaging: An Ensemble Learning Approach, Decision Analytics, 3, 100033. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dajour.2022.100033
[J16] Vazifeh, Z., Mafakheri, F., and An, C. (2021) Biomass Supply Chain Coordination for Remote Communities: A Game-theoretic Modeling and Analysis Approach, Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 102819 (Impact Factor: 7.587). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.102819
[J15] Cai, M., An, C., Guy, C., Lu, C., and Mafakheri, F. (2021). Assessing the regional biogenic methanol emission from spring wheat during the growing season: A Canadian case study, Environmental Pollution, 287, 117602. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117602 (Impact Factor: 8.071).
​​[J14] Khodami, S., Mafakheri, F., Zeng, Y. (2021). A system dynamics approach to comparative analysis of biomass supply chain coordination strategies, Energies, 14 (10), 2808 (Impact Factor: 3.004). https://doi.org/10.3390/en14102808
[J13] Seyedan, S. M. & Mafakheri, F (2020), Demand Forecasting in Supply Chain Management Using Big Data Analytics: Methods, Applications, and Research Opportunities, Journal of Big Data, 7:53, 1-22 (Impact factor: 2.501). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-020-00329-2
[J12] Mafakheri, F., Adebanjo, D., Genus,A. (2020). “Coordinating Biomass Supply Chains for Remote Communities: A Comparative Analysis of Non- cooperative and Cooperative Scenarios”. International Journal Production Research, 59(15), 4615–4632 (Impact Factor: 8.568). https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1767312
[J11] Nasiri, F., and Mafakheri, F., Adebanjo, D., Haghighat, F. (2017). “Modeling and Analysis of Renewable Heat Integration into Non-Domestic Buildings - The Case of Biomass Boilers: A Whole Life Asset-Supply Chain Optimization Approach Using System Dynamics”, Biomass and Bioenergy, 95, 244-256 (Impact Factor: 5.061). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.10.018
[J10] D. Adebanjo, P Samaranayake, F. Mafakheri, and T. Laosirihongthong (2016). Prioritization of Six Sigma Project Selection: A Resource-Based View and Institutional Norms Perspective, Benchmarking, 23 (7), 1983-2003 (Impact Factor: 2.60). http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-09-2015-0086
[J9] F. Nasiri and F. Mafakheri (2015). “Postgraduate research supervision at a distance: a review of challenges and strategies”, Studies in Higher Education, 40 (10), 1962-1969 (Impact Factor: 3.363). https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2014.914906
[J8] F. Nasiri and F. Mafakheri (2015). “Higher Education Lecturing and Humor: From Perspectives to Strategies”, Higher Education Studies, 5 (5), 25-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/hes.v5n5p26
[J7] A. Genus, F. Mafakheri. (2014). “A Neo-institutional Perspective of Supply Chains and Energy Security: Bioenergy in the UK”, Applied Energy, 123, 307- 315 (Impact Factor: 9.746). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.01.084
[J6] F. Mafakheri, F.Nasiri. (2014). “Modeling of Biomass-to-Energy Supply Chain Operations: Applications, Challenges and Research Directions”, Energy Policy, 67, 116-126 (Impact Factor: 6.142). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.11.071
[J5] F. Mafakheri and F. Nasiri. (2013). “Revenue Sharing Coordination in Reverse Logistics”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 59, 185-196 (Impact Factor: 7.246). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.06.031
[J4] F. Mafakheri, M. Breton, and S.S. Chauhan (2012). “Project-to-Organization Matching: An Integrated Risk Assessment Approach”, International Journal of IT Project Management, 3(3), 45-59. https://doi.org/10.4018/jitpm.2012070104
[J3] F. Mafakheri, M. Breton, and A. Ghoniem (2011). Supplier Selection-Order Allocation: A Two-Stage Multiple Criteria Dynamic Programming Approach, International Journal of Production Economics, 132 (1), 52-57 (Impact Factor: 7.885). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.03.005
[J2] F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri, and M. Moussavi (2008), Project Agility Assessment: An Integrated Decision Analysis Approach, Journal of Production Planning and Control, 19 (6), 567-576 (Impact Factor: 6.800). https://doi.org/10.1080/09537280802360884
[J1] F. Mafakheri, L. Dai, D. Slezak and F. Nasiri (2007). Project Delivery Systems Selection under Uncertainty: A Multi-Criteria Multi-Level Decision Aid Model, ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 23 (4), 200-26 (Impact Factor: 2.867). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(2007)23:4(200)
[C25] Valipour, M., Mafakheri, F and Wang, C. (2024). Energy Security in Remote Communities: A Resilient Bio-Hub Coordinated Biomass Supply Chain Network Design, IISE Conference, Montreal, May 18-21 2024, Montreal.
[C24] Moradi, N., Mafakheri, F and Wang, C. (2024). Covering Routing Problem with Robots and Parcel Lockers: A Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery Approach, IISE Conference, Montreal, May 18-21 2024, Montreal.
[C23] Vazifeh, Z., Mafakheri, F., An, C. (2023). Optimizing Bioenergy Supply Chain Management under Uncertainty: A Stochastic Programming Approach in Quebec Northern Communities, PEOPLE 2023 Conference, Montreal, QC, Aug. 7-11.
[C22] Sadaghiani, S., Mafakheri, F., Chen, Z. (2023). Impact of Wood Pellets as an Alternative Energy Source in Remote Canadian Communities: A Life Cycle Analysis, PEOPLE 2023 Conference, Montreal, QC, Aug. 7-11.
[C21] Vazifeh, Z., Mafakheri, F., An, C. (2023). Evaluating the Environmental Benefits of Wood Pellet Supply Chain Coordination: A Case Study of Canadian Northern Communities, Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, May 29-31
[C20] Seyedan, M., Mafakheri, F., Wang, C. (2023). Safety Stock Estimation Based on Forecasted Demand Distribution using Recurrent Mixture Density Network, Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, May 29-31
[C19] Sadaghiani, S., Mafakheri, F. and Chen, Z. (2022). Life cycle assessment of the wood pellet supply chain with a consideration of bioenergy for remote communities in Canada, International Conference of Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE'22), 5-7 June, Niagara Falls, Canada.
[C18] Seyedan, M., Wang, C., Mafakheri, F. (2022). Data-driven Inventory Optimization: A Demand Forecasting Approach. 2022 CORS/INFORMS International Conference, June 5-8, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[C17] Esmaeili, F., Cote, R., Mafakheri, F. (2022). Using Hashing Methods to Categorize Data Into Buckets to Improve Query Execution Performance. 2022 CORS/INFORMS International Conference, June 5-8, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[C16] Vazifeh, Z., Mafakheri, F., An, C. (2022). Bioenergy Supply Chain Coordination: A Revenue Sharing Mechanism. 2022 CORS/INFORMS International Conference, June 5-8, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
[C15] Vazifeh, Z., Khoddami, S., and Mafakheri, F. (2021). Customer churn prediction by integrating Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and classification techniques, Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) annual conference, 7- 10 June (virtual).
[C14] Seyedan, M., Mafakheri, F. “Developing a framework for price optimization using demand forecasting feedback approach”, INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS 2020), December 19-21, 2020, (Virtual).
[C13] Mafakheri, F. “Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Supply Chain Management: A Post Pandemic Perspective”, Designing A Trans-disciplinary Research on Ecology of Health Supply-Chain Networks Workshop, The 25th Society of Design and Process Science (SDPS) Conference (Virtual), Nov. 18-20, 2020.
[C12] Mafakheri, F. “A Comparative Analysis of Cooperative and Non-cooperative Bioenergy Supply Chain Coordination for Northern Canada”, INFORMS International Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 9-12, 2019.
[C11] Esmaeilzadeh, S., Nasiri, F., and Mafakheri, F., “Principal role of agent- based approach in further advancements of bioenergy supply chain management”, Optimization Days, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 7-9, 2018.
[C10] F. Mafakheri “Hospitals' Food Supply Chain Management: A Multi- Objective Dynamic Programming Approach”, Optimization Days 2017 and 1st Canadian Healthcare Optimization Workshop (CHOW), Montreal, QC, May 8-11, 2017
[C9] F. Nasiri, and F. Mafakheri “Integrating Biomass Boilers into Non-domestic Buildings: A System Dynamics Analysis, CORS/INFORMS International Conference, Montreal, QC, June 14-17, 2015.
[C8] A. Genus, F. Mafakheri, Understanding biofuels transitions: the contribution of Scott’s work on neo-institutional theory, International workshop on ‘Tracing biofuel transitions: policies, practices and phase-outs’, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, January 24-25, 2013.
[C7] F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri, An Analysis of Equilibrium Coordination Incentives in Reverse Supply Chains, The 9th International Conference on Computational Management Science (CMS 2012), Imperial College London, UK, April 18-20, 2012.
[C6] F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri, Coordination in Reverse Supply Chains, The 53rd Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society - OR53, Nottingham, UK, September 6-8, 2011.
[C5] F. Mafakheri, and M. Breton, A Risk Based Project-to-Organization Matching System Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Decision Sciences Institute - The 40th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, November 14-17, 2009.
[C4] F. Mafakheri, and M. Breton, A Two Stage Multiple Criteria-dynamic Programming Approach for Supplier Selection-order Allocation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, October 11-14, 2009.
[C3] F. Mafakheri, F. Nasiri, and L. Dai, A Multiple Criteria Decision Aid Model for Agility Assessment: Application in Software Development Projects, The IET International Conference on Agile Manufacturing (ICAM 2007), Collingwood College, Durham University, UK, 9-11 July 2007.
[C2] F. Mafakheri, Development of a Decision Support System for project delivery system selection under uncertainty, The 1st Graduate Students' Research Conference, University of Regina, Regina, Canada, April 2006.
[C1] F. Mafakheri, L. Dai, D. Slezak, and F. Nasiri, Selecting the Optimal Project Delivery System: A Rough-AHP Decision Aid, Joint IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Intelligent Agent and Web Technologies, Compiegne, France, 2005.