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Title: Évaluation prospective des impacts des Changements climatiques sur le transport terrestre au Canada d'ici 2100: fédérer les expertises, fiabiliser les anticipation

Funding: $25,000 (2024-2025)

Funding Organization: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Role: Co-Investigator

Title: Climate change and disruption of land transport in Quebec

Funding: $422,558 (2024-2026)

Funding Organization: Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and Quebec Ministry of the Environment

Role: Co-Investigator

Title: Canada Research Chair (CRC Tier II) in Bioenergy Transition (BioT)

Funding: $600,000 (2023-2028)

Funding Organization: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Role: Principal Investigator

Title: John R. Evans Leaders Fund

Funding: $201,788 (2023)

Funding Organization: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)

Role: Principal Investigator

Title: Sustainable Biomass Supply Integration for Bioenergy within the Broader Bioeconomy

Funding: USD$35,000 (2023-2024)

Funding Organization: International Energy Agency - Task 43

Role: Principal Investigator

Title: Reseau de recherche en economie circulaire du Quebec (RRECQ) 

Funding: $5,000,000 (2021-2025)

Funding Organization: Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC)

Role: Co-Investigator

Title: Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of Bioenergy Supply Chains in Canada for Bioeconomy Policy and Scenario Analysis

Funding: $40,000 (2021)

Funding Organization: Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) – in collaboration with National Research Council (NRC)

Role: Principal Investigator

Title: Digitization of supply chain routing decisions

Funding: $15,000 (2021)

Funding Organization: Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) with Hitek Inc

Role: Principal Investigator

Title: Bioenergy Hubs for Northern Communities: Sourcing, Logistics, Distribution, and System Integration

Funding: $132,000 (2019-2025)

Funding Organization: Discovery Grant-Natural Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Role: Principal Investigator

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